Group of diverse colleagues sitting in a row on the floor

Being part of the CBCHS team is more than just a job, it is a positive contribution to our Community and includes the following benefits:

Flexible Employment

CBCHS advocates the wellbeing of employees through access to flexible work practices and a supportive workplace culture that is respectful to responsibilities outside work. By balancing organisational needs and work life commitments of individuals, a more productive environment is created which benefits the individual, the organisation and our clients.

  • Flexible Working Hours
  • Request to vary employment status
  • Flexible return from maternity leave
  • Job Share
  • Quality Part-time Work
  • Time In Lieu (TIL)
  • Transition to Retirement

Salary Packaging

CBCHS utilise SalaryPackagingPlus to provide a salary-packaging program to our employees. Salary packaging enables employees to pay for items out of their pre-tax salary, including:

  • Mortage or rent
  • Credit Card payments
  • Holiday accommodation or venue hire
  • Meals and entertainment

What is it?

Salary packaging is a voluntary ATO approved way of restructuring your income. It allows you to pay for a range of everyday items out of your pre-tax income rather than after-tax, hence reducing the amount of tax and increasing your take home pay.  For most eligible employees of charitable organisations like CBCHS this increase in take home pay can be significant. 


All permanent and term contract employees, full or part-time, are eligible to apply for salary packaging with CBCHS. Casual employees are not eligible.

How to participate

CBCHS’ salary packaging program is totally managed by an external provider called ‘SalaryPackagingPlus’.  They can help you with making an application to participate or to answer any questions you may have.  We strongly recommend that you look into and consider the information provided here and on the SalaryPackagingPlus website, seek advice from them if needed, and decide if you wish to participate in our salary packaging program.


Customer Service – ph 1300408046

Email  enquiries@salarypackagingplus.com.au

Website – including Forms and Fact Sheets http://www.salarypackagingplus.com.au/

CBCHS Salary Packaging Policy  4.7.1 Salary Packaging Policy

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Many life challenges and changes are best resolved with assistance from an experienced counsellor. EAP is an external, confidential counselling service providing short term, solution focussed help to employees wellbeing. This service is available free of charge should any employee be in need of confidential assistance.

Corporate Discounts available for Employees

Pinnacle Gym Foundation Membership Offer

Crunch Fitness Corporate Special

Discounted Private Health Insurance with Bupa or Medibank

CBCHS Membership

As a CBCHS member, you can become involved in your Community Health Service and stay up to date with our news and general information.