
About Telehealth

Telehealth appointments are now available for many services and programs at Central Bayside Community Health Services (CBCHS).

With Telehealth, you can see, hear, and speak with your CBCHS clinician, almost as though you were there in person.

You can log into your appointment on most laptops, desktop computers, tablets, or smartphones, which means:

  • You can attend your appointment via video from home, work, or a location of your choice
  • You save on travel time and expense.

Please make a test call at least two days prior to your appointment to ensure your equipment is working correctly and you are comfortable with this technology.

To start your video call

Please click the link below for the service you require to start your Telehealth appointment.

If you are not sure which service you need, please call our reception team on 03 8587 0200.


From Tuesday 6 April 2021, online payment will be introduced for Telehealth appointments (including video and phone consultation) for Allied Health services at CBCHS.  Fees for Telehealth appointments are the same as our face-to-face consultation fees. Please click  here to view our fees information.anomalyindustrieslook what i foundelf bar 1500 primera

Clients will receive a payment request via SMS following their Telehealth appointment with a link to pay online via the Westpac PayWay system. Please view the video below for information on Telehealth payments and how to use the PayWay system.


Please click here to read about our commitment to protecting your privacy.


At the end of your Telehealth session, you will receive a request to complete a short feedback survey. Your comments will help us to continue to improve this service.  You can also use our feedback process for comments, compliments and complaints.

CBCHS staff can log in to Telehealth here to start a consultation.