CBCHS aims to provide its community with high quality services. In turn, we encourage people to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing.

Your rights

You have the right to:

  • Quality health care from appropriately trained and experienced staff
  • Receive care from staff who will be respectful of your privacy and dignity
  • Receive care without fear of discrimination of any kind
  • Restoration by the best quality of care available to you
  • Know the full cost of proposed treatment
  • Expect that information concerning you will be treated confidentially
  • Request any information required to assist your understanding of the services offered
  • Make informed decisions on your health care, and to choose from available alternatives of care
  • Consent or refuse any assessment or treatment, including the right to consent or refuse participation in education or research programs, and the right to refuse treatment from students
  • Have an advocate (friend, family member, and/or interpreter/signer) present when attending the service. An interpreter can be arranged for you by the staff at the service
  • Request a transfer to another staff member by speaking with your worker
  • Discuss your health record at your request. Please see your worker or their line manager
  • A safe and comfortable environment
  • Make a complaint about the service you have received. You may speak directly to a General Manager and if you are not satisfied, you may send a written complaint to the CEO
  • Continued access to the service after a complaint has been made
  • Tell us if you are happy with the care you have received from the service.

Your responsibilities

You are responsible for:

  • Providing our staff, to the best of your ability, accurate information about matters relating to your health
  • Keeping appointments, and for providing as much notice as possible if you need to cancel an appointment
  • Treating our staff respectfully
  • Treating other clients respectfully
  • Treating seriously any agreement to action and care chosen in partnership with a health worker
  • The consequences of your decision to accept or reject advice.

Medical Records

CBCHS has an obligation, depending on the type of service you receive, to produce a medical record. This record will contain only information appropriate to the treatment you are presenting for. If this information needs to be shared with other appropriate staff at CBCHS or an external service, this will only be done after agreement with you. In the unlikely event a medical record is subpoenaed, CBCHS is obliged to provide this information to the court.

Charter of Aged Care Rights

Consumers receiving Australian Government funded aged care services have the right to be properly looked after, treated well and given high quality care and services. The rights of consumers are protected by a Charter of Aged Care Rights.  As a provider of  a wide range of aged care services, CBCHS is committed to abiding by this charter and protecting the rights of our clients.

A Charter of Aged Care Rights booklet is available to inform you of your rights as an aged care consumer and how you can exercise them. It also includes some information about
your responsibilities as an aged care consumer.