Preventing family violence in our community
As part of our Prevention of Family Violence strategy, we commit to promoting gender equity in the workplace and the broader community through training and advocacy.
Increase social connection and cooking skills with Community Kitchens
CBCHS supports Community Kitchens in the City of Kingston. A Community Kitchen is a group of people who meet on a regular basis to plan, cook and share healthy, affordable meals. Community Kitchens are for everyone, and can be run anywhere there is a kitchen (churches, schools, neighbourhood houses, community health services, workplaces, Men’s Sheds etc.).
Visit the Community Kitchens website to find a group near you
Creating healthier sporting clubs and leisure centres
CBCHS supports local sporting clubs and leisure centres to create healthy environments through:
- Creating smoke free environments
- Healthy, profitable canteens
- Inclusive and diverse participation
Contact the Health Promotion team for more information on 8587 0200 or email