CBCHS’s Disability Service, Adult Community Options (ACO) has strengthened its Zero Tolerance policies in compliance with the National Disability Services (NDS) practice standards. The Zero Tolerance initiative helps disability service providers understand, implement and improve practices which safeguard the rights of people they support.
As part of embedding a culture of Zero Tolerance, ACO carried out a range of activities to improve staff, client and volunteer understanding of Zero Tolerance, the impact we have on clients and that abuse is anything that limits the human rights of the people we support.
Some of the activities that have already been rolled out across the ACO service include:
- Staff training at team meetings
- Zero Tolerance presentation at the ACO Planning day in December 2019
- Supporting clients to better understand their rights and Zero Tolerance via client meetings and new client orientations.
ACO will continue to support clients, staff and volunteers to better understand the Zero Tolerance framework with further activities in 2020. More information and resources on Zero Tolerance can be found on the NDS website www.nds.org.au