News 5 March, 2019
At CBCHS, we are proud to have a Working Group to drive the implementation of our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). The key focus of the RAP is to continue to improve our services to meet the health and wellbeing needs of our Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities.

RAP Working GroupThe Working Group involves CBCHS staff members and representatives of the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, working together to deliver a range of projects. We spoke to RAP Working Group Member, Leonie Stevens about her involvement.

How long have you been at CBCHS and what is your role?

I have been at CBCHS for 18 ½ years working as a receptionist. Since October 2018 I have worked at the Chelsea site. Prior to that I worked at Clarinda.

Why is the RAP Working Group important to you?

I like being part of the RAP Working Group and finding out what is happening in the local area. I have been fortunate to be able to attend the Community Lunches for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders held at Chelsea therefore I have been able to meet people who have a similar history as mine.

What do you hope to achieve for our local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community through the RAP Working Group?

Recognition for the Traditional Owners has been important. Planning projects that include the cultural significance of the local Aboriginal community. My Grandmother’s family came from Fraser Island Queensland and were part of the Butchulla tribe. K’gari is the Butchulla place name for Fraser Island. The Butchulla people want their messages of care and respect for the land to reach all people visiting the island.